Award for the best 4 presentations:
1750 TL for each!

Best poster award:
750 TL!

Bilkent IEEE Student Branch

Bilkent University IEEE Student Branch is a pioneer community in Turkey by means of being the first student branch founded in IEEE Turkey Section. Our student branch has hosted many successful events and activities since May 17, 1990.

Our aim in events and activities is to proclaim IEEE and advantages of IEEE membership, and to support and serve our members in every respect. To do so, Bilkent IEEE Student Branch tries to serve not only EEE students, but every student that thinks IEEE has a benefit to themselves. It helps students plan their future careers in a carefully-considered way. It tries to liven up members' both techinal and social lives during their studentship period with fun and educational activities; such as various career development seminars, project competitions, workshops, supported projects, and activities for introducing IEEE.

Bilkent University IEEE Student Branch has currently over 200 active members, and continues to grow with increasing pace.

Bilkent IEEE